Why did I move back to Africa ?

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This is why I moved back to Africa.

Disclaimer:  I’m talking about MY experience and what I observed. This is by no means a generality and can be very different from your perception. You may proceed.

Why didn’t you stay there ?“   You are stupid for going back to Africa“  Oh you came back for good ?“   You couldn’t find yourself an American too?

I think I had enough of those questions/phrases over the last weeks and if you were also wondering why I moved back … Just read this long a** article, you will probably understand.

I Wanted to Be an Agent of Change

That sounds cliche but it is true. It is when I moved to the US that I realized how ignorant “some” Americans were. Yes, ignorant and I don’t blame them. They have 50 states to worry about, and a small country in Africa isn’t one of them.

“Do you have electricity? ” “Do you live with lions?”

As Simi would say: Stop asking me JAMB question*.

All because they didn’t know any better than what they saw on TV. I’m not mad at them because the media did a good brainwashing job.

I wanted to work on changing this perception of “poverty, war and struggle” they have about Africa. I had dreams for myself, for my country and the only way to fulfill them was to jump right in and start working on them. What motivated me the most was seeing people like me that wanted things to change.

Someone told me: ” You are alone, one in a million you don’t count in this world. Nobody counts here” and guess what? I love challenges, and one day at least I would be able to say that I tried.

Do you have electricity? Do you live with lions? Click To Tweet

I Came I Saw, and Probably Didn’t Conquer

In 2013, I transferred to Atlanta for school. I obtained my Bachelor in Marketing in 2015 and my Master in Global Hospitality in 2017. While going to school, I was working on campus and had “a lot ” of side jobs.

I often hear: You have good degrees, a great work experience so why don’t you find a full-time job and live the American dream?

The immigration system in the United States is the most complicated I ever faced. It is not easy to find a job especially when you are not a citizen. If I tell you how many times I got kicked out from a job application form just because I selected: I will now or in the future require sponsorship you wouldn’t even believe. I have seen many people getting married for that green piece of paper, just to increase their chance of getting a job. This wasn’t one of the options I wanted to face, and “conquer“.


food Why did I move back to Africa ? | Afi Cakpo

Here I am, +45 pounds later let me tell you “AMERICAN FOOD” wasn’t for me (except for chick-fil-a ). With the amount of chemicals and preservatives, they add to almost everything; I would say that right now I am scared to go to a doctor and do a checkup. Trust me you don’t want to spend the rest of your life there just for that reason. I truly missed the convenience of waking up every morning, walking up the street and be able to find fresh food for less than $1.

It’s Difficult Everywhere

After an extended period of reflection, I realized that I wasn’t happy and was lying to myself. Every country has its issues, nowhere is perfect and I preferred having to face those matters in an environment where I was comfortable, where I belonged.

There were many factors involved in this process of me moving back home. So why did I move back? I just want to say that it was a personal decision and the right one for me. I am closer to my family, happier than ever and ready to exercise my “change power.”

Hi, I’m Afi, and this is why I moved back to Africa  🙂

Why did I move back to Africa ? | Afi Cakpo

*Jamb Question: a very stupid question

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  1. Fatim ballo October 1, 2017 at 7:13 pm

    Very nice article, and i agree Americans for the most part are very ignorant!! Sad but true lol

    1. heliicaa October 1, 2017 at 8:05 pm

      Yeah and we can’t really blame them !

  2. Joanne October 2, 2017 at 1:46 am

    Great article ??
    I’ve been in the USA for a year and for now I truly think that this life isn’t for me.
    And we all agree that a lot of Americans are ignorant lol. They barely know there’s an entire world outside their country. Like you said we can’t blame them.

    1. heliicaa October 2, 2017 at 12:46 pm

      Haha we can’t really blame them ! Do what you have to do there and if you don’t feel it remember that you have a home that will always welcome you 🙂

      1. Maranda October 4, 2017 at 3:31 am

        I really enjoyed this article Afi!

        1. heliicaa October 12, 2017 at 5:10 pm

          Thanks Maranda 🙂

  3. Windi k October 4, 2017 at 6:06 pm

    Great article dear! I agree with your choice because I did the same. ? sorry for people who can’t understand.

    1. heliicaa October 12, 2017 at 5:10 pm

      Thank you Windi hope to see you around:)

  4. Fiona Zannou October 5, 2017 at 8:55 pm

    This is absolutely true! ” Every country has its issue, nowhere is perfect(…)”. We are the new generation, and we can help our own countries in the solving of these issues. I am not sure that staying in the United States will be the way to do it. I enjoyed reading your article Afi.
    I am trying to become a Doctor here in the United States to be able to go back home and make health care available to everyone, and especially those with financial hardship.

    1. heliicaa October 12, 2017 at 5:09 pm

      Hello Fiona,
      I know for a fact that the industry is really different and you might have trouble to transition from there to here. You have to start planning now if you really want to come back and establishing links with hospitals here… Good luck I hope that all your dreams to make healthcare affordable come true.

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