Just like my “yes”, my “no” does not require any justification.

I think that lately, the universe was testing our patience (my entourage and I) with a rain of requests more or less insane.

As a result, we avoid specific social networks; we disable our WhatsApp receipts … transfers the voice notes to an empty WhatsApp group or a number that we don’t use so that the other person doesn’t get the receipt (yes, I do it, just take my advice and stay go; I don’t have to justify myself).

Just for the sake of not having to say no, we think about all the crazy strategies to avoid hurting their ego. But It seems simple to say:

No, I will give you a free photoshoot.
No, I will not spend hours writing your marketing strategy for your contest.
No I will not promote your event for which I have no interest.
No, I will not make a partnership where you are the only winner.
No ! No ! No !

I’m the kind of person who never says no, and I think I said yes so many times that the opposite can be seen as bad faith on my part. But the reasons for me are more or less obvious:

I don’t have time.
When do I become productive and thrive if I have to say yes to all queries?
One of the reasons I quit (I’ll tell you one day maybe) was lack of time. One of my favorite singers said
:” It’s hot in coffin we don’t know when we’re going to die “. One thing is certain, I realized that my time was important and I should not waste it.


I do not know you and you ask too much.
For all those who make requests if at the end of the day you are not bringing anything new to the person, please avoid being demanding.

You can make an effort
One thing I can not stand: very lazy people who can’t make the slightest effort. We are in the 21st century and there are several free platforms to broaden our horizons and learn new things. Please make an effort . I am better of helping someone who shows me that he/she is making efforts and wants to evolve rather than the opposite.

No, I will not spend hours writing your marketing strategy for your contest. Click To Tweet

You did not ask for a service … you imposed it
Just because I gave you the same service a few months ago does not mean that I will be at your mercy each time for the same service.

You are never there when I need you.
When you remember me only when you need something to, ask me to understand that no one likes to feel used. So if I have helped you many times and you are not able to be there when I need you? I will not waste my time anymore … ISSA DONE DEAL, fool me one not twice.

ou … Je n’ai juste pas envie !

Every human being should stop thinking that saying no is synonymous with bad faith. No is an answer like yes and if it exists its to be used. So the next time I say no to you? Do not be offended, take life on the right side because you probably know why.

Other than that I openned money pot to by myself a  drone.

You are free to say no, I will not ask you why 🙂

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